Defining Success

AllaboutrelationshipsI have talked a lot about my trips backpacking on the American River. I often mention how they inspire deep thinking and clearing of the mind. This particular trip had me pondering about what really matters in life. Which was inspired by a man named Chuck.

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Remembering to Make Memories in Mammoth


When I was little, one of the family trips I remember was to Mammoth, California. My parents were skiers and so they loved traveling to this central-Californian town to spend weekends skiing all over Mammoth Mountain. As for us kids, who were all too little at the time to ski, we looked forward to sledding down those white fluffy hills. The memories of sledding down the mountains in Mammoth have a special spot in my mind as some of the most memorable moments of my childhood.

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Breaking Your Own Boundaries

Lake Range
Photo Source

Despite the amount of planning, our lives inevitably take on the course God has planned for us. The same can be said for planning hikes.

We may be diligent when it comes to planning the particulars of a hike, but once we get out into the wilderness, there are too many elements that are out of our control. One specific hike, which included roadblocks, weird creatures and life realizations, immediately comes to mind.

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