Soaking in Natural Hot Springs


As we drove east out-of-town one Friday afternoon, I was finally feeling relaxed. My husband and I were heading to Soldier Meadows Hot Springs for a weekend of quiet and to recharge our minds, bodies and spirits.

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I Will Tri: 5-Tips On Approaching The Swim

SwimIn preparation for the Ironman, I have read different blogs and newsletters about the how to overcome each part of the race. My goal is to be well-informed and to practice good habits while training. I am doing this so that my Ironman experience is amazing and potentially help someone else along the way.

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Breaking Your Own Boundaries

Lake Range
Photo Source

Despite the amount of planning, our lives inevitably take on the course God has planned for us. The same can be said for planning hikes.

We may be diligent when it comes to planning the particulars of a hike, but once we get out into the wilderness, there are too many elements that are out of our control. One specific hike, which included roadblocks, weird creatures and life realizations, immediately comes to mind.

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